Power of Philanthropy

The Power of Philanthropy to Enrich Our Lives

As a fundraising consultant, I understand the value of connecting donors with nonprofit missions that matter to them. I know what it means to organizations to receive financial funding, but more than that—to receive enthusiastic support from donors whose gifts convey respect and appreciation for the nonprofit’s work. I also know what it means as a donor to give gifts of meaning.

The synergistic relationship between donors, organizations and fundraisers is the power of philanthropy to accomplish exponentially more than any one person, act or organization could do alone.

I have personally experienced the impact of philanthropy from several perspectives. My wife, Jan, was diagnosed with the rarest form of Parkinson’s—a disease with a life expectancy of two to fourteen years—when she shared with me she wanted to receive her final days of care at Kansas City Hospice House.

Before her illness, she had served as a hospice volunteer. She watched my sister, as well as a friend’s husband and another friend’s brother receive hospice care. Jan died on August 31, 2018, having received compassionate hospice care.

I have served as a Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care board member for many years, because I believe in the philosophy of hospice: to improve the quality of life by providing care for the patient and family, as well as offering emotional, mental and spiritual support in addition to physical comfort.

Our family’s commitment involves financial support, including an estate gift, because we want to help ensure everyone in the community has access to the same competent and considerate care we experienced.

We give, because we want to help improve the lives of others, but when the power of philanthropy is unleashed, it is not simply the recipients who benefit. The positive effects of philanthropy—its power—helps people in need, but it also improves the organization, its staff and volunteers, and most certainly enriches the lives of donors.

Giving has a transformative effect on us all.

Stephen Jones
Steve Jones

Executive Vice President

Kansas City


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