Strategies for Success

Cross the Finish Line

There is no harder time in a campaign than the last six months – that time when you are striving to meet and exceed your goals and demonstrate that you have delivered on your promises. All this, while you are encouraging broad-based community support and media attention!

While this can be a rewarding time, it can also be stressful, if you don’t plan accordingly. Here are a few ideas for retaining your momentum as you cross the finish line:

Promote engaged leadership

When you get close to the end of a campaign, some leadership members may feel less engaged than they were earlier in the process. Be intentional about countering this tendency. Send gentle reminders via email or by phone to encourage their participation. Let them know it matters. Regularly thank your leadership team, just as you do your donors. Host small get togethers where they are able to relax and celebrate the campaign’s progress. Campaign leadership is vital to your success. Keep them motivated and engaged.

Use your timeline

There is no excitement or urgency in a campaign without a timeline. Use your time wisely. Every week, evaluate your strategies and maximize the excitement surrounding the end date. Continue to publicly celebrate gifts, but also use these public announcements as a way to encourage others to give “during this very small window of time.” Use every gift as an opportunity to create more urgency.

Multiply your efforts

As you are nearing the finish line, map out assignments for all of your leadership team members and create follow-up dates for each task. Give each member specific goals, always keeping the timeline in mind. Remain vigilant to ensure all members have an assignment and complete their tasks.

The last six months will go quickly. This is the time to double down on everything you have done right during the campaign. As the finish line comes in to view, rather than gearing down, press in and cross the finish line with your leadership team engaged, excited and ready to celebrate their success.

Kristy Burns

Vice President

Columbus, Ohio

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