Aaron Johnson

Aaron Johnson

Senior Vice President

Additional info




Wilmington, N.C.

Fundraising specialties

Capital and/or endowment campaign counsel; major gift fundraising; social media strategy; faith-based; The Salvation Army; social services

Aaron Johnson

Senior Vice President

Aaron has an extensive background and decades of experience managing and implementing all aspects of philanthropy including integrated plans for regular giving, capital campaigns and special events for major donors. Aaron’s expertise is also in scaling giving programs and building donor loyalty through strategic planning, growing major gifts and donor engagement.

In addition, he has broad knowledge of and expertise in communications strategies including print and digital media for content, creative and analytics. As an internet marketing specialist for Archon Media, he developed strategies with clients to increase their online presence and visibility through strategic search engine optimization.

While studying computer engineering and applied mathematics at Western Michigan University, he also provided fundraising leadership to the university’s student-based telemarketing program where he hired, trained and supervised 60 student employees; represented WMU with prospective alumni donors; interfaced with media sources; and helped raise over $1 million annually.

Success story and article highlights
  • Power of Philanthropy

    It Pays to Practice Generosity

    As a fundraising professional, I have the privilege of seeing, firsthand, how [...]

  • Strategies for Success

    Improve Your Nonprofit’s Online Presence

    Gaining and holding the attention of your target audience is one of [...]